Veggie Rescue booth at Farm Day


Veggie Rescue Celebrated 2024 Farm Day at Babe Farms

August 24, 2024 - Veggie Rescue joined Babe Farms for Farm Day, an event created by nonprofit SEE AG, Students for Eco Education and Agriculture.

Judy and Kevin of Veggie Rescue spoke with people that came from all over Santa Barbara County as well as visitors from San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Los Angeles. Tons of beautiful vegetables were distributed by the Babe Farms team. At the end of the event the remaining produce was taken by Veggie Rescue and distributed to nonprofits in Santa Barbara County.

Veggie Rescue featured on KEYT News Seeking New Local Food Donors

August 19, 2024 - Veggie Rescue is ready bring on additional food donors to increase the amount of food that we are able to provide to local nonprofits working to address food insecurity in the valley and countywide.


Veggie Rescue was voted “Most Energetic” entry in the 2024 Solvang July 4th Parade!

July 4, 2024 - It was a hot day, but clearly nothing could dampen the enthusiasm of our Carrot Crew! Honoring Veggie Rescue tradition, individual bags of carrots were passed out to the crowd during the parade by 30 amazing “energetic” volunteers. The carrots have been generously donated by Grimmway Farms for the past two years.

Lonnie Smith Jr. Joins the Board of Directors of Veggie Rescue

April 16, 2024 - Lonnie’s background in addressing food insecurity and homelessness in the Central Coast region made him an exceptional addition to the Veggie Rescue board. He has managed projects working to eliminate food waste, deliver meals to vulnerable populations, and develop mobile food storage solutions that run on renewable energy. Welcome Lonnie!

Upcoming Events

  • Kick Off Party

    October 24, 2024

    This small gathering is for our more ardent and loyal supporters. We will come together to raise a glass to Veggie Rescue, share our plans for our anniversary event, and a very special announcement!

    Email for more info.

  • Harvest to Holidays

    November 1, 2024

    We are launching a fundraising campaign to support Veggie Rescue's mission of reducing food waste and providing food to those in need. Every contribution helps us stay on the road.

    Stay tuned for updates.

  • 15th Anniversary

    May 1, 2025

    Celebrate 15 years of Veggie Rescue! Join us at Folded Hills for our first anniversary event and fundraiser complete with fresh produce and inspiring stories. Together, we’ll reflect on our journey and honor supporters. More details coming soon!